Sustainability is the Only Option.

At least that's how we view it here on Isla Tranqui and we believe you can taste the difference.

Chemical & Pesticide Free

Our little ladies are fortunate enough to not only have a gorgeous view, but to live on an island that has never used chemicals or pesticides. This natural water barrier from mainland ensures that when you taste Isla Tranqui honey, you're enjoying the purest form of honey you can find.

Never Sugar-fed

Did you know that many beekeepers and honey producers around the world feed their bees processed white sugar during the winter or to supplement after honey harvest? We never do this. While we do harvest some of their honey to share with you, our bees always gather, produce, and eat their own honey - just as nature intended!

Practicing Regenerative Organic Principles

Our goal from day one was to create a premium world class honey using 100% natural techniques and procedures without artificial feed or chemical treatments. We view our little spot on Isla Tranqui as a bee sanctuary and work to ensure it will remain so for many years to come.


Partnering with the Community.

We're working with the island community to teach them valuable trade and earn a sustainable income.

Training Aspiring Beekeepers

Recognizing the desire for new career opportunities on Isla Tranqui and as a way to share what we have with those around us, we began our community outreach program in 2019. We provide all equipment and hives and work alongside them through many phases to ensure they are well trained and uphold our high quality standards.

Empowering Women

Did you know that when hives are full of honey, each box can weigh 80+ lbs and in order to maintain a hive,  you typically must lift several of these boxes almost weekly during season? Not only do we have several female beekeepers on our team, but local women were also interested in learning. In order to make it more accessible to all, our incredible production team went to work and have been testing hive designs that allow people of all strength capabilities to be able to fully work with the bees.